Event box

Digital Humanities Potluck: Digital Humanities Data Services Snack-off In-Person

Please join us for the Digital Humanities Potluck: Digital Humanities Data Services Snackoff!

The Digital Humanities (DH) Potluck is a gathering of people interested in Digital Humanities. This space allows students, faculty, and staff alike to share knowledge about their respective fields and projects, potluck style! Guests are encouraged to bring works in progress to discuss with others or troubleshoot and, most importantly, an openness to conversation.

This Potluck inaugurates the DH DS Snack Off! In the spirit of culinary fun, we invite Data and DH students to bring their game. We will convene in room 743 in Bobst and encourage participants to come with LoveData-themed snacks and projects.

Related LibGuide: Digital Humanities by A.M. Alpin

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
11:00am - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Bobst Library, 7th Floor, Rm. 743
  Faculty, PostDocs, Researchers, Grad Students  
  Data Services classes     Digital Scholarship     Love Data Week  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Digital Scholarship