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Introduction to R In-Person
This session will be offered via NYU Zoom: https://nyu.zoom.us/j/91870849282
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Related LibGuide: Quantitative Analysis Guide by Denis Rubin
- Date:
- Wednesday, October 14, 2020
- Time:
- 8:00pm - 10:00pm
- Time Zone:
- Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
- Libraries:
- Remote
- Audience:
- Faculty, PostDocs, Researchers, Grad Students Students, Faculty, Staff Students, Faculty, Staff & Community Members
- Type:
- Data Services classes
This workshop gets you started with using R. The session introduces the RStudio interface and key constructs of R, how to read files of various formats, when and how to work with different data types, essentials of visualizing data, and basic statistical analyses. It is recommended that attendees download R and R Studio on their own machines in advance of this tutorial.
Skills Taught / Learning Outcomes:
- Overview of R functionalities
- RStudio interface
- Bolts and nuts of using R
- Data types and subsetting
- Working with data frames
- Visualizing data
- Basic statistical analyses